Alphabetical index
The AethiopThe Ant and the DoveThe Ants and the GrasshopperThe Apes and the Two TravelersThe Ass and His DriverThe Ass and His MastersThe Ass and His PurchaserThe Ass and His ShadowThe Ass and the ChargerThe Ass and the FrogsThe Ass and the GrasshopperThe Ass and the HorseThe Ass and the LapdogThe Ass and the MuleThe Ass and the Old ShepherdThe Ass and the WolfThe Ass Carrying the ImageThe Ass in the Lion’s SkinThe Ass, the Cock, and the LionThe Ass, the Fox, and the LionThe AstronomerThe Bald KnightThe Bald Man and the FlyThe Bat and the WeaselsThe Bear and the FoxThe Bear and the Two TravelersThe Bee and JupiterThe Belly and the MembersThe Birdcatcher, the Partridge, and the CockThe Birds, the Beasts, and the BatThe Bitch and Her WhelpsThe Blind Man and the WhelpThe Boasting TravelerThe Bowman and LionThe Boy and the FilbertsThe Boy and the NettlesThe Boy BathingThe Boy Hunting LocustsThe Boys and the FrogsThe Brazier and His DogThe Brother and the SisterThe Buffoon and the CountrymanThe Bull and the CalfThe Bull and the GoatThe Bull, the Lioness, and the Wild-Boar HunterThe Camel and JupiterThe Camel and the ArabThe CamelThe Cat and the BirdsThe Cat and the CockThe Cat and the MiceThe Cat and VenusThe Charcoal-Burner and the FullerThe Charger and the MillerThe Cobbler Turned DoctorThe Cock and the JewelThe Crab and Its MotherThe Crab and the FoxThe Crow and MercuryThe Crow and the PitcherThe Crow and the RavenThe Crow and the SerpentThe Crow and the SheepThe Dancing MonkeysThe Doe and the LionThe Dog and the CookThe Dog and the HareThe Dog and the OysterThe Dog and the ShadowThe Dog in the MangerThe Dog’s HouseThe Dog, the Cock, and the FoxThe Dogs and the FoxThe Dogs and the HidesThe Dolphins, the Whales, and the SpratThe Dove and the CrowThe Eagle and His CaptorThe Eagle and the ArrowThe Eagle and the FoxThe Eagle and the JackdawThe Eagle and the KiteThe Eagle, the Cat, and the Wild SowThe Farmer and His SonsThe Farmer and the CranesThe Farmer and the FoxThe Farmer and the SnakeThe Farmer and the StorkThe Father and His SonsThe Father and His Two DaughtersThe Fawn and His MotherThe Fighting Cocks and the EagleThe Fir-Tree and the BrambleThe Fisherman and His NetsThe Fisherman and the Little FishThe Fisherman PipingThe FishermenThe Flea and the ManThe Flea and the OxThe Flea and the WrestlerThe Flies and the Honey-PotThe Fly and the Draught-MuleThe Fowler and the ViperThe Fox and the BrambleThe Fox and the CraneThe Fox and the CrowThe Fox and the GoatThe Fox and the GrapesThe Fox and the HedgehogThe Fox and the LeopardThe Fox and the LionThe Fox and the LionThe Fox and the MaskThe Fox and the MonkeyThe Fox and the MonkeyThe Fox and the WoodcutterThe Fox Who Had Lost His TailThe Frogs Asking for a KingThe Frogs’ Complaint Against the SunThe Gamecocks and the PartridgeThe Geese and the CranesThe Gnat and the BullThe Gnat and the LionThe Goat and the AssThe Goat and the GoatherdThe Goatherd and the Wild GoatsThe Goods and the IllsThe Grasshopper and the OwlThe Hare and the HoundThe Hare and the TortoiseThe Hares and the FoxesThe Hares and the FrogsThe Hares and the LionsThe Hart and the VineThe Hawk and the NightingaleThe Hawk, the Kite, and the PigeonsThe Heifer and the OxThe Hen and the Golden EggsThe Hen and the SwallowHercules and the WagonerThe Herdsman and the Lost BullThe Horse and GroomThe Horse and His RiderThe Horse and the AssThe Horse and the StagThe Hunter and the HorsemanThe Hunter and the WoodmanThe Huntsman and the FishermanThe Image of Mercury and the CarpenterThe Jackdaw and the DovesThe Jackdaw and the FoxJupiter and the MonkeyJupiter, Neptune, Minerva, and MomusThe Kid and the WolfThe Kid and the WolfThe King’s Son and the Painted LionThe Kingdom of the LionThe Kites and the SwansThe Laborer and the SnakeThe Lamb and the WolfThe LampThe Lark and Her Young OnesThe Lark Burying Her FatherThe Lion and the BoarThe Lion and the BullThe Lion and the DolphinThe Lion and the EagleThe Lion and the FoxThe Lion and the HareThe Lion and the MouseThe Lion and the ShepherdThe Lion and the Three BullsThe Lion in a FarmyardThe Lion in LoveThe Lion, Jupiter, and the ElephantThe Lion, the Bear, and the FoxThe Lion, the Fox, and the AssThe Lion, the Mouse, and the FoxThe Lion, the Wolf, and the FoxThe LionessThe Man and His Two SweetheartsThe Man and His WifeThe Man and the LionThe Man and the SatyrThe Man Bitten by a DogThe Man, the Horse, the Ox, and the DogThe ManslayerThe Master and His DogsMercury and the SculptorMercury and the WorkmenThe Mice and the WeaselsThe Mice in CouncilThe Milk-Woman and Her PailThe Miller, His Son, and Their AssThe Mischievous DogThe MiserThe Mole and His MotherThe Monkey and the CamelThe Monkey and the DolphinThe Monkey and the FishermenThe Monkeys and Their MotherThe Mother and the WolfThe Mountain in LaborThe Mouse and the BullThe Mouse, the Frog, and the HawkThe MuleThe Mules and the RobbersThe North Wind and the SunThe Oak and the ReedsThe Oak and the WoodcuttersThe Oaks and JupiterThe Old HoundThe Old LionThe Old Man and DeathThe Old Woman and the PhysicianThe Old Woman and the Wine-JarThe Olive-Tree and the Fig-TreeThe One-Eyed DoeThe Owl and the BirdsThe Ox and the FrogThe Oxen and the Axle-TreesThe Oxen and the ButchersThe Panther and the ShepherdsThe Partridge and the FowlerThe Peacock and JunoThe Peacock and the CraneThe Peasant and the Apple-TreeThe Peasant and the EagleThe Philosopher, the Ants, and MercuryThe Piglet, the Sheep, and the GoatThe Playful AssThe Pomegranate, Apple-Tree, and BrambleThe ProphetThe Quack FrogThe Raven and the SwanThe Rich Man and the TannerThe Rivers and the SeaThe Rose and the AmaranthThe Salt Merchant and His AssThe Seagull and the KiteThe Seaside TravelersThe Seller of ImagesThe Serpent and the EagleThe She-Goats and Their BeardsThe Shepherd and the DogThe Shepherd and the SeaThe Shepherd and the SheepThe Shepherd and the WolfThe Shepherd’s Boy and the WolfThe Shipwrecked Man and the SeaThe Sick KiteThe Sick LionThe Sick StagThe Sparrow and the HareThe Spendthrift and the SwallowThe Stag at the PoolThe Stag in the Ox-StallThe Stag, the Wolf, and the SheepThe Swallow and the CrowThe Swallow, the Serpent, and the Court of JusticeThe Swan and the GooseThe Swollen FoxThe Thief and His MotherThe Thief and the HousedogThe Thief and the InnkeeperThe Thieves and the CockThe Thirsty PigeonThe Three TradesmenThe Thrush and the FowlerThe Tortoise and the EagleThe Town Mouse and the Country MouseThe Traveler and FortuneThe Traveler and His DogThe Travelers and the Plane-TreeThe Trees and the AxeThe Trees Under the Protection of the GodsThe Trumpeter Taken PrisonerTruth and the TravelerThe Two BagsThe Two DogsThe Two FrogsThe Two FrogsThe Two Men Who Were EnemiesThe Two PotsThe Two Soldiers and the RobberThe Two Travelers and the AxeThe Vain JackdawThe Vine and the GoatThe Viper and the FileThe Walnut-TreeThe Wasp and the SnakeThe Wasps, the Partridges, and the FarmerThe Weasel and the MiceThe Widow and Her Little MaidensThe Widow and the SheepThe Wild Ass and the LionThe Wild Boar and the FoxThe Wolf and the CraneThe Wolf and the FoxThe Wolf and the GoatThe Wolf and the HorseThe Wolf and the HousedogThe Wolf and the LambThe Wolf and the LionThe Wolf and the LionThe Wolf and the SheepThe Wolf and the ShepherdThe Wolf and the ShepherdsThe Wolf in Sheep’s ClothingThe Wolf, the Fox, and the ApeThe Wolves and the SheepThe Wolves and the SheepdogsThe Woman and Her Hen